How to Improve Your Child’s Spoken English?

How to Improve Your Child’s Spoken English?

Learning to speak in English is an all-important skill that children need to pick up. Those who speak fluently in English have an advantage over others in that they are more likely to get better jobs, get access to higher education easily, and travel more.

If you want your child’s English to improve considerably, you need to help them speak the language at home. Here are some pointers from DPS Barasat, one of the best English medium schools in Barasat that can help your child improve their spoken English.

Ways in Which You Can Help Your Child Speak in English Better

  • Sing English Songs
A fun way in which you can improve your child’s English is by teaching them songs in the language. Nowadays, given the poor quality of English used in songs, including the use of slang words, we encourage you not to teach these to your children. Instead, you can watch old musicals like The Sound of Music, which have good-quality music scores that can help them learn the language faster.
  • English Hour at Home
Set aside one hour each day when you speak in English and only in English! Failure to do so will result in penalties. In that hour, compel your child to communicate with you about the events at school, the problems or challenges they faced, and anything else they may wish to tell you. At English medium schools in Barasat it is compulsory to communicate only in English so make this a rule at home as well.
  • Play Office!
You know that one needs to communicate in English at the office, so introduce your child to this world early. Ask them to make a presentation on the planets or the cell organelles. The catch is that they have to present this in English. Not only are your child’s computer skills being tested, but their speaking skills are taking a turn for the better.
  • Read Books Aloud
Spend time reading books aloud or you can also make your child listen to audiobooks if you have the resources. This way the pronunciation of difficult words will be made clear to them. At English medium schools in Barasat, we take out time to help children with their speaking skills.
English medium schools in Barasat


Communicating in English is an important skill every student needs to have. English medium schools in Barasat help children with their speaking skills, however, a lot more needs to be done at home. 

Encourage children whenever they speak in English so that they associate it with a positive feeling, rather than have any negative connotations about it.


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